Rain, Snow, Hail or Sleet


We’re searching the sky for precipitation,

Watching the clouds for the moisture there. 

Searching the sky for precipitation,

Rain, snow, hail or sleet.


When the moisture in the atmosphere

Condenses in the sky,

Water droplets freeze inside the clouds,

When they melt, the rain will fly.


If the temperature is cold enough

Ice crystals can not melt.

Six sided snowflakes fall right down.

It’s cold out, you can tell.


We’re searching the sky for precipitation,

Watching the clouds for the moisture there. 

Searching the sky for precipitation,

Rain, snow, hail or sleet.


When the thunder rolls, ice crystals grow,

In the dark clouds way up high.

Ice pellets form and the hailstones fall,

It’s a cumulonimbus sky.


If there’s rain and snow mixed in the air,

Sleet begins to fall.

The temperature’s not cold enough

Some crystals melt and thaw.


Rain    snow    hail    sleet

Rain    snow    hail    sleet


We’re searching the sky for precipitation,

Watching the clouds for the moisture there. 

Searching the sky for precipitation,

Rain, snow, hail or sleet.