Welcome Teachers, Home Schoolers and Educators Everywhere!
Digital Download Only Climb aboard The Learning Ride and enrich your curriculum with twenty-four terrific teaching tunes for grades K-1! This compilation of songs is written specifically to help young children learn and understand important skills, concepts and standards. Learning themes include: skip counting, time, money, positions, vowel sounds, word families, listening skills, movement activities and much more!
A Great Song to Start the Year! $1.50
Digital Download Only Reading and Spelling: Essential Sounds Chunks, chunks, and more chunks! Unleash the power of teaching those invaluable vowel teams with Intelli-Tunes' Reading & Spelling CD. From SH to the Crazy R's, this disk has it all! Letter sounds, blends, diagraphs and word families...Oh My!
The easy way to learn multiplication facts. Songs 2-12. Each song is repeated twice. The first time through the answer is provided; the second time through it is not.
Energize your math lessons with our great collection of math songs for grades PreK to 5. Essential skills and concepts are effortlessly learned with the power of rhyme, rhythm and song.
Learning the alphabet, rhyming, short vowels, phonemic awareness, essential sounds and the parts of speech is so much fun when language arts is set to toe tapping tunes that keep kids engaged.
Looking for songs about the human body, geology, geography, weather or creepy crawly things? You have come to the right place!
A little of everything! Songs about transportation, holidays, social studies, and even a musical workout for kids of all ages. Wiggles and giggles galore!
Individual skill and concept songs across the curriculum that support and enrich lesson planning. Also included are special tunes for school events and performances.
Lively little tunes written specifically for very young learners. Phonemic awareness, math concepts, following directions, community helpers, self-esteem and lots of giggles are all right here. Come join the fun with a most delightful way to listen, learn and grow.